Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Entree Exchange

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1 comment:

Darla said...

Hello great resource I found for freezer cooking, mega or bulk cooking is a yahoo group called Friendly Freezer. There are a lot of people on there who are 'wayyyyyy serious' about their freezing (an entire chest freezer devoted to deer season alone, etc.), but there are some great recipes, ideas, etc. in their archives.....I mostly lurk, but have gleaned much....

Cyndi asked that I share a bit about the swap I was in when we lived in CT--it was great for me; I was quickly/hopelessly HOOKED---like she mentioned, we made 6 meals of our recipe (one for ourselves). We met at a central location, had a quick prayer time, swapped into our big laundry baskets, and then went on our way. This swap had just started about 4 months before I moved so I wasn't in it very long, but it was a great feeling to walk away with your meals for the week--OR to pop them in the freezer for stressful days. It was good for my kids to learn to eat meals that were different from what we would cook at home....and I was in a rut feeling like we were eating the same things over and over, and I got a few new recipes that are now regulars with us....AND it was simply a HUGE time saver for us in many ways and kept us from eating out under my ill-planning or just plain busy times as much. AND I loved having my kitchen CLEAN in the evenings as all I would do is add a salad or steamed veggies. This group had some simple guidelies---mostly that they be healthy---whole grain products, no white rice/pasta, etc., healthy meats, low salt/fat/etc. We would submit choices and everybody would vote on their top choice. I just share that as one example of a swap. There are some guidelines (that don't need to be that excessive in my opinion for a small swap) posted in the files of the yahoo group I mentioned...

so just wanted to share a bit of that---I'll try to post a few other websites I found that were helpful for me too BUT I have maxed my computer time as my children are SCREAMING ;-)more later...